Thursday, December 6, 2007

Loading Photos 101

Today is my first day - I am having trouble with loading photos to my new blog. I have some great ones of my hill country house already on my computer, but when I load them to my blog, they look fuzzy - any help out there?


  1. Hill Country girl: Wow - what an exciting blog! I love the hill country and can't wait to see what you post. There's so many wonderful b&bs and stores in the Hill country! Good Look and be sure to visit my blog too!! I'm going to add you to mine~!!

  2. Thank you Joni! You are my inspiration! Just hang in there with me while I figure this whole deal out - I am definitely the new kid on the block!! Ann

  3. Mom, you're doing a great job and I'm proud of you!
    love you!

  4. WOW, hill country house girl!! I am so impressed with your blog!! You are indeed an inspiration and are using your greatest talents!!! Can't wait to keep reading your blog.

  5. What a fun blogsite! And how infectious is your enthusiasm! I'm bookmarking it and will eagerly look forward to checking in regularly to see your latest postings.

    I'm already exploring some of the links you provide, and might have to take a vacation to that Colorado town near the four corners.

    Best of luck with your exciting new endeavor!
