Monday, December 14, 2009

Vintage Christmas

I stumbled upon a great blogger named Joan who writes  anything goes here . Joan is featuring  Vintage Christmas Mondays and if you like old Christmas things, you will love her blog and the others you will find through it.

 This is my German feather tree trimmed in vintage ornaments with old Christmas boxes, a few old Santas and bottle brush trees piled around the bottom. The tree is not antique, although I have bought and sold some antique ones over the years. I bought this one new when we moved here 14 years ago. We lived in a tiny farmhouse, and given we had just moved to this sweet town of German heritage, I thought it fitting to have a small German feather tree for our little house, to celebrate our first Christmas here.

This photo is from last year.  Sometimes I repeat what I did the year before with my collections, and some years I create  a new mix. I haven't figured out what I want to do this year.  I love seeing what others are doing for inspiration, though, and maybe this week's blog reading will get me going!


  1. Love your feather tree and of coures the bottle brush trees!
    Merry VCM!

  2. Your feather tree is wonderful and I love your little bottlebrush trees beneath it! I was fortunate enough to find a German feather tree still marked Germany on the bottom at an estate sale of very old items for only $3.00! Bisous... Julie Marie

  3. Your little tree is so cute and I love the old boxes around it too! I found your lovely blog last night and added you to my list..hope it's ok!? Come say hi :D

  4. I love this tree, I have a teeny tiny one, it is white and so sweet but next year I will have a much larger one, thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  5. Just found your blog and am loving it. The feather tree is precious! Happy Holidays from Houston!

  6. Very sweet tree! Love the old boxes and, of course, the bottlebrush trees!

  7. I am of German Heritage.. and I LOVE THIS TREE!! I am really looking forward to looking through your blog... lovely!

  8. Ann, I really like your tree and trees under the tree. The home is beautifull and wish I knew more about its history. I'm kinda into that since growing up in Mr. Whittles ( the music store) mothers house in Highland Park. Having old Hockaday dance hall front doors on the house and all the art I grew up around inside.
    Have a Merry Christmas.

  9. I built a hill country home around 14 years ago. My love for antiques is over the top!! I love to add a French influence into our Stone Home. Loved touring the Hill Country for the ideas.... And definitely brought in some of Ranch influence into it. Love the style in this home pictured hit. Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  10. Pretty little tree, I especially like that little box in the front. Merry Christmas...

  11. I want your tree. So pretty against the stone. Where's the best place to get feather trees and what to look for in them? Merry Christmas! cheers, -susan

  12. L-O-V-E the feather tree and all of the holiday decorating. I have been enjoying all of your recent posts, too. What a treat to see Jan & Bill's house!

    Merry Christmas!
