Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Just Have to Brag One More Time...........enid and design* sponge

Lara and Tim Bobo's kitchen

I know there are creative people everywhere, but I swear, they just grow like weeds in Fredericksburg, Texas! Talented Lara Bobo, whose home I featured here , ( her kitchen shown above) and who has the wonderfully hip and fresh shop, enid, recently penned a guide to our town and it was featured on the popular blog design* sponge today! Between Callie Jenschke from yesterday's post,  and Lara Collins Bobo, I feel so proud of both of them. These  enterprising young Texans are going to continue to impress the design world, of that I am sure.

Photo from design sponge feature on Fredericksburg

It is a great guide, full of the best shops, restaurants, and sights to see.  Check it out here. Lara did a fabulous job of capturing all the great spots in our town.

The first place I plan to visit, (after I finish the antique show this weekend) is enid's new location on East Main Street.

Photo from enid website

 Lara started her shop in a small space on the west end of town. Her original shop was loaded with charm and great modern as well as vintage items.  I'll bet her move has to do with expansion and the heavy tourist traffic that we get on the more central part of Main Street.  Spring is a huge season for visitors here with bluebonnets and peaches galore, and the shopping on Main Street is always fun. 

If you want to get away for the weekend, or want a great destination for a wedding, Fredericksburg is the perfect spot. 

Come see us, and meanwhile, check out Lara's guide on to Fredericksburg on design*sponge!!


  1. I want to spend a day in Fredericksburg and go to all these places with you! kds

  2. I still haven't been to Fredericksburg and I've lived in Houston for almost 7 years now! Heading over to designsponge to check out the post! :).

  3. I need to go there if I ever get out of Here!!!!!
    At lease I can visit Fredricksburg through you!!!!Maryanne xo

  4. Thanks Ann! You are such a source of encouragement to me. :D I too am proud of Fredericksburg and all the incredible bloggers ;), shops, designers and more that live and come from here. We are blessed to live here. :D

  5. I have only been to Fredericksburg once. Now that we moved to New Braunfels a couple of months ago, we are planning a Saturday drive there. I can't wait.

    Yoli :)

  6. Fun post! Aren't we lucky to live here? Love the picture of your "Italian" bed decked in red & white! Great pillows!

  7. Ann, thanks again for your very kind words and your limitless support! Nothing makes me happier than keeping up on the happenings in the 'burg on favorite blogs like yours and Design Sponge! I feel so honored to be a part of that...xx

  8. Wow that is just great, and exciting! I agree it must be in the weeds, or the water your drinking!

  9. cool! a guide is always a good thing! will check it out!

  10. Somehow I missed that you live in Fredicksburg, TX. I have a friend who is dying to get me there. If I end up comings, I'll send you a note-) I hear that your town in FULL of INSPIRATION like NONE other!
