Sunday, March 28, 2010

One More Thing.......... Marburger Farm Antique Show

I posted last night about a few of my favorites at Marburger Farm Antique Show from Fall of 2009. I showed you this photo that I took, but did not have any information on it. 

After my post I decided to read some more of the Cactus Creek Daily blog and look what I stumbled upon!

and this......

and this!

According to the Cactus Creek Daily, this is "Two Girls Stuff", owned by Marie and Rhonda. Read more about these two here.

I remember their booth being very crowded and I recall commenting to one of them in passing, "I love your booth - you have a great look".  I got a quick smile and a "thank you", and then she was off to help another customer.

As an antique dealer, it is hard to visit with everyone who comes in your space,  especially if you are fortunate enough to be busy writing sales tickets. At that moment, that was the case here for Marie and Rhonda.

For all the dealers out there last week and this one, I wish you lots of busy days and lots of ticket writing!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tis the Season.........for Birthday Parties and Round Top, Texas!

You may wonder what birthday parties and Round Top, Texas have in common.

In my world, a lot.

My younger daughter was born on March 30, and each year I am faced with the dilemma of when to head over to Round Top and when to celebrate her birthday! Dealers begin setting up in the surrounding towns and at different shows around mid March, and then continue on into the first weekend of April. Each year I plan a little differently - sometimes to go early and "hit the fields",  as we say, and some years I go later, and go to Marburger Farm and the original Round Top Show. 

Both of these images were taken from a fabulous website with the best guide to this season in Texas.
The Cactus Creek Daily, edited by Texas native, Fancy Smith, is full of great tips on antiquing as well as other design and decorative info. Check out the website for a great read!

Did I mention that March 30 is also our anniversary? So, every spring it gets just a little touchy as to exactly when Mom heads out to go antiquing.

So, first things first - this weekend we celebrated my daughter's 16th birthday.....shhhh.... I know the 30th isn't until Tuesday, but we decided a Friday night was better for a party than a Tuesday anyway.

I set up tables and chairs on the back porch,  flung an assortment of cotton tablecloths over them, and finished them off with a few candles and Gerbera daisies in shallow, round pots.

With the help of my talented and creative friend,John Phelps, aka "JP", we had a true southern dinner for 30 teenagers - complete with a roaring outdoor fire and lots of tunes. We served fried chicken, twice baked potatoes, mac and cheese, green bean casserole, and drop biscuits with chives and bacon. As JP called the event, "Hannah's Carbo Load Birthday Dinner".

Oh, and carrot cake with cream cheese icing and a vanilla cake with chocolate mousse filling!

  In spite of a bit too much wind, we had a perfect evening for outdoor dining and it was just cool enough have a fire. Texas weather is unpredictable and often we go straight from freezing to death to positively burning up, so it is so nice to actually have some weather that is neither too hot or too cold.

Hannah and Dad try to light the candles in spite of the strong breeze - lots of hands to block the wind!

So, a wonderful time was had by all,  and now I can think about next week and my trek over to some  the best antiquing ever! 

After waking my precious baby girl up on Tuesday morning, wishing her a wonderful birthday and of course, wishing my husband a wonderful anniversary day as well, I will head east on Highway 290, through Austin and on into the next prettiest part of Texas (next to us, the actual hill country).....through the rolling hills and on to the the fields, of wildflowers and antique dealers!

First stop will be Marburger Farms, as the it opens on Tuesday morning. Last fall I found several treasures at this show and learned of a funny coincidence after writing my following blog post, as well.

I wrote about this dealer, Mary Jackson, and about several items I bought from her. Little did I know that Joni of Cote de Texas fame, bought the clock that is in this photo. Only later did she write to me that I had a picture of her clock! We did not see each other at the show, so I guess she came along after I shot this photo and bought her clock! There are so many dealers there, though, so it is funny that she and I would buy from the same one!
I don't remember whose booth this was, but I do remember thinking that big pink iron piece on the wall was so cool. Wonder who got it and where it is now?

Loved all the beautiful things in this booth. The show is too large and the variety too vast to possibly cover in one blog post.

I snagged this photo below from Fancy, too, because Richard Schmidt  is an amazing jewelry designer whose work I just love. I bought several pieces from him a year ago and look forward to visiting with him and his lovely wife again. 

You can find Richard on the square in the actual town of Round Top during the shows. He and his wife are delightful and so, so talented. I learned of his work originally from my sweet sister in law, Tanya!

Photo  Richard Schmidt Designs website.

As much as I love all of the venues during this antiquing season in Texas, I am sentimental about the original Round Top Antiques Show. I have shopped it for years, helped my dear friend and seasoned antique dealer, Barbara, with her booth for many years,  and sold at the show in the red barn a few times. I always love seeing the show and it never disappoints.

Photo by Tre Dunham in Texas Homes and Living

 My good friends, Randy Nicholson and Joe Dobbs, always set up a spectacular booth, and this one a few shows back was a showstopper. I wanted these wonderful horses, but they were already sold and going to Belgium!

There are those who believe that the only true treasures (aka bargains) to be found are in the fields and not in the organized shows. To them I say,  you really, really do not know what you are missing. There are so many dealers from so many places who set up in the various shows, and there are as many different styles and antiques as there are dealers. 

The Round Top show is no different. Yes, you will find the very early, very expensive, museum quality American antiques at this show, and those certainly have their place in the hearts and homes of many collectors, but you also find the vintage, the quirky, the trendy. There are some amazingly talented dealers who set up the most beautiful and creative booths and I love seeing every bit of it!

Two old friends, and one time Fredericksburg locals, Ed and Michael, have the fabulous shop, Leftovers in Brenham, Texas...just down the road from Round Top.

Photo from Leftovers Home and Mercantile, Brenham, Texas

They also set up in the big red barn, part of the original Round Top Antiques Show, and always have an amazing booth full of unusual and fabulous finds!

I could go on and on about all the great dealers and shows I am about to visit, but it is late and a girl must get her sleep to build up endurance for the antiquing journey.

Stay tuned for a report when I get back, and thank you to those who read this far and never give up on me when I don't post for days on end. Life gets in the way sometimes, but I do love this blog thing when I can get to it. 

Good night, but not good bye.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Painting with Artist Carol Marine

The days have been flying by, each one chock full with spring break fun and a ton of work, as well.

The last two days I have had the privilege and the pleasure of taking a painting class (or in looser terms, a "paint along") with three good friends, and artist Carole Marine. Carol is a Texas artist who teaches workshops all over the world. What made our class very special is that she is came to town as a friend,  and there were only a few of us painting together.

I have followed Carol's work for quite some time. She is a disciplined and talented painter who shows at several galleries around the country and participates in the Daily Painters Gallery.

An added perk was Carol's friend and fellow artist, Matt Moffett, who came along to paint with us. Matt is full of personality and an amazing artist in his own right.  He shared his heart and his humor with us non stop and was a complete joy to get to know.

Carol is a delightful person with a warm and very generous spirit. She is also a very good teacher who can meet her students on any level, providing clear instruction and encouragement.

We spent time painting, talking, eating great food and laughing, lots of laughing. It was a full two days of learning and sharing for all of us.  We spent one day painting plein air and the other in a studio.

To back track a little, I need to tell a story. Once upon a time I thought this painting would be mine, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Here is what happened.........

Back in December of 2008, I sent this email to my friend, Leslie.

"OHMYGOSH!! I want this painting! How about we go to Austin on your birthday to see the work at this gallery. I am sure you have already been there but maybe we can get a sneak peek at the show that opens on the 10th? I will drive and buy you a birthday lunch and we can TALK the whole way - sound good to you? Your birthday is Friday the 9th right?"

Carol had a show at the Wally Workman gallery in Austin, which was to open on January 10, 2009. I was hot to trot to get over there and see the show, and particularly , this painting, before the opening.

Not but a few minutes later my phone rang and a very soft voice, said, quite sheepishly

"You are not going to believe what I am getting ready to tell you."


"I just bought that painting last week".


"You are kidding, right?"

"No, I love it. I'm sorry - are you going to kill me?"

"Of course not.(sniff, sniff) I can visit it, right? "

And so it goes. It was not the first time nor the last that Leslie and I have loved the same things. Her house, which I posted about here is full of treasures I would happily live with. She is also a talented artist herself, as you can see here.

I know from collecting art and antiques that we never forget "the one that got away". I also know that if we are patient, another treasure will come along eventually.

Meanwhile, Leslie, and friends Debra and Laura, took a class from Carol in San Antonio.  I was not able to join them that time, but they came home excited to have learned from Carol and  eager to have her work with us in our neck of the woods. 

Anyone who looks at Carol's teaching schedule will recognize what a gift and blessing it was to have her make time for us. She is one busy woman, traveling far and wide around the country and to Europe, teaching to full classes with waiting lists. 

I was so happy to be able to participate this time around.

Here are a few more photos of Carol's work and a few shots of our time together. 

Carol is a master of still life and I have gathered favorites in my album over the past several years. If you are interested in seeing what is currently available for purchase, visit Carole's website and from there you can link to her galleries.

After attempting to paint a single pear time and time again during our studio time, I have a real appreciation for this simple row of pears and lone apple.  Everything about the composition is  just lovely.

(This is one that is still available on eBay here.)

We set up on a hill side to paint the oak trees and surrounding hills. I was a bit of a stalker, and always managed to set up quite close to Carol! She paints with intensity and concentration, but also with ease.

After a while we set out to find something new to paint and settled on this old barn. Below you can see Carol working on her painting. To the left you can see that I have set up right behind her to try to absorb some of her talent through osmosis. It didn't exactly happen, but I loved watching her paint!

It was fascinating to watch Carol study the barn and then transfer what she saw to canvas.

Carol's wonderful painting of the barn - I was fortunate enough to bring it home with me! What a sweet remembrance of two very special days.

The second day we set up inside and did lots of repetition exercises. Here Carol demonstrates for us. It was so, so interesting to see how she creates her composition from start to finish.

Matt decided to step outside the studio to paint one last hill country vista. Matt is from Tulsa, Oklahoma and this was his first visit to the hill country. We hope he comes back soon! 

I came home Friday evening exhausted, but happy. I have a greater appreciation for Carol's work and an expanded appreciation for good painting in general. The discipline and talent required for Carol to produce the body of work she does is awesome. I admire and respect her, and most of all, am thrilled to call her my friend.

Thank you so much, Carol Marine .

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Fantasy

 Fantasy Office - this is how I want it to be in our next house..................


No clue where I got this photo - if it is yours, please let me know and I will happily credit you.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nashville Revisited - Music Valley Antique Market

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending the Music Valley Antique Market in Nashville. I had every intention of taking lots of photos to share with you when I got home. Circumstances changed and I did not take any pictures. When I posted about my trip, though, and mentioned that I would be going to this show, I got the nicest comment from Jon Jenkins,  the promoter of the show. I replied and asked Jon if I might snag some photos from his website to share on my blog. He graciously agreed and I am so excited to share these gorgeous pictures with you.

The show was just beautiful. One of the things that makes this show so pretty is that each dealer has his or her own room setting. By that,  I mean that they each get three free standing walls, so that their booth is self contained. This also lets each dealer's look stand alone, as opposed to open spaces where one booth flows into the other and there is not much autonomy between booths. The walls are covered in paper - sometimes white, sometimes black, always something that really shows off the antiques. There is also great lighting, which highlights the items.

A dealer can create any sort of feeling within those three walls that he or she wants. Isn't this garden look just lovely?

It beats my cinderblock walls and big, dirty fan from last week's show by a long shot, doesn't it?

I think the walls and the lighting elevate certain objects to a level they deserve. Yes, it is fun to hunt for treasure among the trash at flea markets, but not everyone can see the detail of the objects shown above. When they are shown like this, it is easy to see the beauty in the shapes, forms, textures and colors.

I love the black walls of this booth.

Typically known as a country show, many of the elements are quite compatible with a contemporary setting............

or a more traditional setting.








Thank you so much, Jon, for sharing your photos with us. I can't wait to come back next fall! For more information on this and other great shows visit  the website for the Music Valley Antiques Market.