Sunday, March 28, 2010

One More Thing.......... Marburger Farm Antique Show

I posted last night about a few of my favorites at Marburger Farm Antique Show from Fall of 2009. I showed you this photo that I took, but did not have any information on it. 

After my post I decided to read some more of the Cactus Creek Daily blog and look what I stumbled upon!

and this......

and this!

According to the Cactus Creek Daily, this is "Two Girls Stuff", owned by Marie and Rhonda. Read more about these two here.

I remember their booth being very crowded and I recall commenting to one of them in passing, "I love your booth - you have a great look".  I got a quick smile and a "thank you", and then she was off to help another customer.

As an antique dealer, it is hard to visit with everyone who comes in your space,  especially if you are fortunate enough to be busy writing sales tickets. At that moment, that was the case here for Marie and Rhonda.

For all the dealers out there last week and this one, I wish you lots of busy days and lots of ticket writing!!


  1. Love the photos, mille mercis for sharing them.

    Leeann x

  2. I agree... fun space!
    OH and you're right- how fun would it be to hit RT together!! Hope you're having a wonderful time and finding lots of fabulous finds!! Can't wait to see the bounty!
    happy shopping!

  3. wasn't this space wonderful?? I can hardly wait to see them tomorrow... see what treasures they bring. It's funny when I was in their space I was a little intimidated and hesitated about taking the pics. I finally asked if it was ok to snap the camera and one of the owners and I instantly hit it off. In fact we talked for quite a while about her "real" job as an oncology nurse... her spirit was so amazing. Anyway, thanks for the shout out ~ I hope to run into you at Marburger!!!! Also ~ Punkie's moved to the new buildings across the street from Sommerfield Place in Warrenton...

  4. Hi,
    Got your comment about being at Marburger tomorrow. So will Tall Husband and I. I'll be on the look out for you! Happy anniversary and happy birthday to your daughter. The 30th is also the birthday of my late MIL, who was like a mother to me. She would love it that I'm shopping for antiques that day. As Joan said, Happy shopping.

  5. This stand looks fantastic ...I guess they wrote a lot of sales ticket

  6. HI! I saw the headline and thought I'd pop over since I can't attend the real McCoy. Always such inspirational booths at Round top. Hope they had a good buying crowd. I spoke to a few weeks ago. Think they're in Ohio and were heading down to attend Marburger....cheers, -susan

  7. What a wonderful treasure haven. I found several items I'd like just viewing your images.

  8. Hi Ann!
    Sorry I missed you!!!!!!!Hope you had fun at Marburger!!!Did you find some jewels???????Happy Easter! Maryanne xo
