Friday, May 28, 2010

Spring Antique Show, Comfort, Texas

I set up at the Comfort Village Antique show a month or so ago and have been remiss in posting my photos.  I love this show. It is the quintessential country antique show, set up in a small town park pavilion and in tents, with a variety of goods, from vintage jewelry to cottage furniture, vintage paintings and folk art, and local, Texas barbecue for lunch. Enjoy!

 My booth, full of tole trays, hooked rugs, old paintings, tramp art,  transfer ware, folk art and painted furniture.

I love seeing familiar faces at the shows. My cute friend, Marcia, enjoyed the show with her grand baby!

I loved these huge wings in the booth of dealer, Ann Sams! They would be wonderful to use as a headboard like those in the bedroom below designed by Rachel Halvorson of Nashville and Nest Egg fame.

 Ann always has the most amazing gathering of tole trays, old tins, and textiles.

I was thrilled to see Dallas designer and dealer John Petty from Dallas set up at the show. I loved this wonderful folk art box made of old dominoes.

John had all sorts of interesting fossils and coral pieces, as well as other stunning accessories.

Great industrial tables and carts, also by John Petty Antiques.

My neighbor at the show, dealer Nancy Carlo, of San Antonio, always has the best primitives - from antique trunks to old kitchen implements. She sells like crazy at these shows to lots of folks who relate to her country antiques with memories from the past.

Vickie Davis, dealer and owner of The Texas Rose Show, always sets up a gorgeous booth.

My neighbor on the other side of my booth was Wayne Ayers. Wayne is a very talented folk artist who sells antiques as well as his own folk art reproductions. He crafts amazing replicas of old weather vanes. He is also just about the nicest person you could set up next to at a show!

On the other side of Wayne were friends, and long time antique dealers, Jim and Sandra Sheffield. They always have an abundance of good country antiques and colorful, seasonal goods. Jim and Sandra travel to lots of different shows, and I am always glad to see them. Hard working and fun loving, they are the among the best of antique dealers.

Love this old red mantel, from antique dealer, Gracie, of Boerne, Texas.

Wonderful side table, lamp and painting, also in Gracie's booth.

Another favorite, Camille McCain, always has great garden antiques and vintage folk art.

Camille's cottage table and folk art swan......

I wish I had a picture of Jack Henson's booth, but a review of an antique show just isn't complete without mention of Jack. A seasoned dealer who sets up at Round Top as well as at all the hill country shows, and all around good guy, Jack gives Nancy Carlo his two cents on something.......something important, I am sure!!

 These bad boys had me the minute I rounded the corner!! Vintage garden chairs  - eight arm chairs, layers of old blue, brown and pink paint, and never met a scroll they didn't like! If only they could talk, the stories they could tell!

These belonged to my friend, Randy Nicholson, of Cypress Creek Antiques in Comfort. (Now they belong to me!!) They were coupled with a 12 foot wine tasting table from France - also part of the "stop you in your tracks vignette", and the whole setting was in the booth of Robert Barrett and Molly Johnson.
Molly and Robert always set up an extraordinary booth and can be found at Round Top in the big red barn every season.

Both of the above links are to a publication that featured the Round Top show and specifically my friends, Randy and Joe, and Robert and Molly - all the best of Texas antique dealers!

So, as the rule goes, "when something comes in the house, something must go out". With the arrival of the garden chairs,  I have eight vintage Windsor side chairs in old black paint, now FOR SALE, if anyone is interested.

In closing, I would like to thank all of the dealers who allowed me to take photos in their booths. One of my favorite times at the antique shows is getting to walk around right before the show opens to see the fruits of everyone's labor. Before the crowds and before the best of vignettes are dismantled as the buyers choose there treasures, I get to see the booths in perfect arrangement.  Setting up at antique shows really is a creative endeavor - hard, time consuming work, but well worth it.


  1. Hi Ann!
    How fun! Your booth looked great- hope the show was a big success for you! It was fun to see all the other booths too! Love the new chairs.... and "8"?! Wow-nice find!!
    p.s. went antqiuing in Maine yesterday!;)

  2. I've never gone to that show....I love Comfort though. My favorite are the wings and Vickie things are always well presented..... Maryannexo

  3. Oh, I adore Comfort! You have so many enviable things in your booth. Unfortunately, I missed it this year - trying NOT to be tempted by antiques-- my house is filled to the brim. I'm not sure what I enjoy most about antiquing -- the people or the finds. Thanks for the peek!

  4. I'm not familiar with this show either... Is it an annual event? Comfort is a nice area to visit...! ~Terri

  5. Stacey, I know what you mean - I love the people as much as the antiques.

    Terri - yes, it is actually twice a year - there will be another one in the fall........October 16-17. You should come!

  6. Never heard of Confort, Texas. Where is it close to? What a fun shoping day..Lot's of interesting things.


  7. wow looks like a great show! i've never heard of this one! would love to go there next yr? is it annually?
    your friend Marcia is beautiful & love the garden chairs...
    and your booth was wonderful....loved the turq.dresser and the rug, but many other stuff too!

  8. Love the vintage garden chairs!! And what wonderful tram art! I wish I could have been there. Maybe next year. Yes, definitely! best, -s

  9. Always in Texas - sigh I'm in Maryland sigh ... but I can browse and wish and window shop. Then I tell my friend Ann, who lives in Commerce, TX about it all. Jennifer jennsthreegraces come visit sometime
