Monday, September 27, 2010

AWOL - On the Road in Maine and Texas

I have not posted in the longest time.  I have had a few of those non stop weeks, and I had the good fortune to travel to Maine with dear friends, Barbara and Mary.  Back home for a few days, and I leave again tomorrow for Round Top! Can't wait!

In the meantime, here are a few photos from my trip to  Maine with much more to follow when I get back at the end of this week.

We stayed in a house near an old granite quarry. This is what the surrounding area looked like - gorgeous, just gorgeous.

Amazing sunrise from my room early one morning.

Had lunch in Camden, Maine one day and this was the lovely view from the park.

Got to do some great antique shopping in Wiscassett. Great photos to come soon!

Adios for now - off to the Texas shows!


AND the Marburger Farm show! 

To read The Howdy, designed by the talented Cynthia Kinney of Houston,  on line, go here. Turn to page 2 to read a feature by yours truly!!

Back soon with lots of photos and antique adventure stories!


  1. hi Ann, Thanks for the pictures! A long time ago I went to sleep away camp in Maine and always loved the feel of the towns there. Just beautiful! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Have fun at the TX shows!

  2. The photos are gorgeous. I was in Maine a few weeks ago and it was lovely. Can't wait to hear about Texas!

  3. Hi Ann!
    Always wanted to go there never made it!!!!!!!Pics you took are beautiful! Hope to see you when you get out way antiques week!!!!Maryanne xo

  4. hi Ann!
    so sorry we missed each other again, but I'm sure the 4th time will be the charm!:) Have a fabulous time at Round Top!! Hope you find lots of treasures!


  5. i didn't go to round top, but i heard it was empty - that no one was there. i hope it doesnt' get a rep for that. it was like that last oct - so quiet. i heard this was the worst its ever been - no one came!

  6. Oh Joni.....
    not true!! I do not think it was as crowded as in the spring, but there were lots of people there and tons of good antique dealers! I was thrilled to be asked to write a little article for "The Howdy" (the guide for the show) for the Marburger show. The weather was wonderful - well, a little hot in the afternoon - but overall I had a ball!
