Friday, October 15, 2010

Voila! Instant Slipcovers!

Several years ago I stumbled upon some vintage grain sacks for a great price. Always thinking of re-sale value, I bought some and planned to sell them at some of the smaller hill country shows I do.

As luck would have it, when I took them to the first show, I found my space to set up was  across from one of my favorite dealers, Shelley, who -  guess what?  - sells tons and tons of antique linens and vintage grain sacks! Well, no way was I going to pull out my measly 15 or 20 bags and proceed to undercut her prices,

So, I tucked the sacks away and sort of forgot about them.

I have been wanting to slip cover my dining room chairs or do something to add some softness to the dining room. There are no window treatments because we are in the country, the windows are all across two entire walls, are floor to ceiling, and the views are beautiful. Also, I have some decorative painting on the walls and just like leaving the window areas open.

Still, the room needed something.  Every now and then I would think "I wonder where I put those grain sacks, and would they fit over the backs of my chairs?......then I would get busy and weeks and months would go by and of course, everything else in life came first.

So, as I began pulling things together from my storage for this weekend's Comfort Village Antique show, guess what I found in a drawer?

As you can see from the photos, the grain sacks fit perfectly! I think they are quite fun and solve my problem of wanting slips,at least for now!

If you don't like them, don't tell me. I am feeling quite brilliant for now. Ah, simple pleasures.


  1. They are perfect. Don't you just love when something turns out so right? You will no doubt set a trend! TAke care, and have a good show. Next week I'm doing a French style flea market, here in So. Calif. Lots of painted furniture, tole linens, and smalls. Wish me luck!

  2. You are brilliant!! And so are your slip covers!!! Love, love, love them!!

  3. Grain sacks are showing up in the most elegant settings these days, taking the place of mattress ticking. Its all over High Point this market, and I like it. Good idea for the dining room chairs. I am tired of my chairs and need a change.

  4. I love it! I know how you were feeling when you slipped that very first grain sack over your chair... I get giddy when I find that perfect spot for one of my treasures.

  5. Wow! Lucky you! They fit like custom made! They look wonderful in the room, and I agree- add a nice bit of softness.

    happy weekend!

  6. You should feel brilliant - this is such a perfect use of the sacks!

    Your comment yesterday cracked me up. "It's not about the chair!" :D

  7. A nice, casual, up-to-date way to give your room a lift. Great!

  8. Well, now, aren't you the smart one!! How clever, I love it! B

  9. Well I'll say Voila! Simple and simply wonderful!

  10. GENIUS!!! They look so awesome!

  11. OMG I love them, you are soooooooo clever!!!!!!

  12. Great idea, Ann! Love your blog!!

  13. I love them. I think they are extremely clever.

  14. What a fabulous idea and it looks just SO wonderful and relaxed. Perfect!

  15. lovely... and you wil never know what your comment meant to me today...
    xoxo pam

  16. Well dang girl...that was an Ah Ha moment!

  17. I adore them! I want them! I'm coming for them!!

  18. Wow! They turned out beautifully as chair covers. Very chic!!
    Patricia :o)

  19. They look so good, I am eying my chairs right now inspired by you!

  20. Love the grain sacks on the back of the chairs- wonderful!
    Love your home, the stone walls, your art, your style. Beautiful!
    Love your blog! Its all good!
