Sunday, May 1, 2011

Amended Version of Sneak Peek - Comfort, Texas Spring Antique Show 2011

Folk art by Wayne Ayers

Wayne is my neighbor at the show and is an amazing craftsman and artist. He knows his antiques as well as makes reproduction folk art.

 It is very early Sunday morning and I have been awake since 4:00. I am set up at the antique show in the quintessential small town of Comfort, Texas this weekend. 

Oh how I wish I could rest, but I am not a believer in lying in bed fighting insomnia - might as well get up and do something.

Here are some shots from the show - information to follow later.

Booth of my friend, Robert Barrett, always a great mix of antiques and style.

LOVE this green trough. Fun with flowers and wouldn't it be cool filled with ice and drinks for a party! In Gracie's booth, another one with great style!

Dealer Ann Sams, always has the best looking tins, textiles and unusual things.

These green garden chairs in Jack Henson's booth just make ya want to sit a spell, don't they?

OHMYGOSH! Love, love, love this old Mexican pot.
 Belonging to friends, John and David, I covet it so, but alas, cannot afford it!

Lisa from the Plaid Veranda in Frisco, Texas had this cool advertising eagle which I just loved!

Beautiful furniture and unusual, large accessories filled Lisa's booth - wish I could have bought it all!!

Hector has the best industrial shelving , baskets, tables, bowls, and eek....doll head molds......
as well as tons of antique and vintage religious art pieces.

I sold my folk art church to another dealer who will take it to a show in California.

I loved having it for the last ten years, but it was time for it to move on.

That's the way it is in this business. Hunting for treasure, the thrill of finding it,  loving it, and  then letting it go so we can hunt for more!

I am addicted to the entire process of it - hunting and gathering the treasures, of course, but most of all, the people I  meet, work with, laugh with, and learn from, all along the way!


  1. I smile when I see you've done a new post. I LOVE THAT horse on the table. :-)


  2. I wish I could be at the show this weekend,
    Wishing you a great turnout...

    Comfort is a sweet town!

  3. I always love when you post pictures from the shows. It's all yummy but that table of religious items has sure grabbed my attention!!

  4. Love those green chairs and the doll heads. Looks like a good show.

  5. Wish I could be there! Good luck! xo Lindley

  6. oh that table of tin boxes...what a fabulous collection. Looks like the show was excellent.
