Monday, October 17, 2011

Pedro Friedeberg and the Comfort, Texas Fall Antique Show, 2011

Confession: Sometimes after a show I am actually happy that a few of my favorite things did not sell.

I guess that is because my motto in antiquing for resale is
 "Do not buy anything I wouldn't want to own myself".

  Of course it is pleasing and quite satisfying when someone buys something I have chosen.
  (After all, I am in the business to sell!)

But, sometimes when I can bring a favorite into my home.............well..... let's just say I am not always disappointed.

I was able to bring these giant orbs back into my house and I'm kinda liking them mixed in with my other entry hall favorites.

Found in Maine, they are covered in old braided rugs and scraps from old hooked rugs.
They have a folk art quality, and yet I loved them sitting in my wonderful contemporary hand chairs at the show!

 The chairs, however, did not get to come home with me.

As strange and wonderful as my Pedro Friedeberg knock offs are, I was happy to sell them to my friends Robert and Molly.

I was very tempted to keep them,  and my daughter had a fit over them and really did not want me to take them to the show. 

Alas, it is these eye catching finds that make a booth special at a show and now I will just have to hunt for more strange and wonderful things!

Pedro Friedeberg is a Mexican designer whose iconic hand chair can be seen in many fashionable homes.

All chair images via Apartment Therapy. 

Click here for more great pics of these chairs!

Speaking of eye catching antiques, this fabulous, LARGE rocking horse donkey was in Robert and Molly's booth.
Isn't he the most charming fellow? 
He came from Missouri and will be a sweet addition to someone's folk art collection!! 

(If you are interested let me know and I can put you in touch with Robert and Molly.)

 If I had the perfect spot for him, he would have come to my house!!!

Other dealers had great things at the show - here is a sampling of all things wonderful, from country primitives to formal American and classic English antiques. 
I can always count on my friend, Sandy, to have an abundance of great old painted items, many of them charming old baskets.

She also had these amazing architectural pieces and wonderful old horse with crusty white paint. 

Love it!

If baskets, country primitives and great country furniture are your thing, you can always find a treasure in Nancy's booth.

Barbara Irwin had lots of fabulous baskets, her own folk art paintings, and some great country furniture.
My neighbors at the show, Tammy and Don of The Cheeky Mare, had gorgeous antiques from England and France. They do a beautiful job of mixing high and low.

Great cupola and champagne hop from France.
Gorgeous pillows and an assortment of really good treasure atop a wonderful painted drop leaf table .

Beautiful and fine art and folk art in the booth of my friend, Anita.

Gloria and Jim had the best selection of religious artifacts, but this shepherd and sheep were my favorites.
So dear.
Gracie always has the best primitives and painted furniture.

Of course, Ann Sams never disappoints with her selection of tole trays, textiles and assorted gorgeous antiques.
Another shot of Anita's booth with wonderful and fine furniture and a charming hooked rug, mounted as art, as it should be.

Hope you enjoyed a peek at the show.

Have a wonderful week, and as always, thanks for reading Hill Country House!!


  1. Love your orbs" looks to me like they are right where they should be, glad they came home with you!!!!!

  2. Looks like sooo much fun! Wish I lived closer...xoxo kelley

  3. I really do love the "Hand Chairs"" They are so cool!. Great finds in your fellow booth vendors!

    I have a Designer Pillows Giveaway, I hope you will join!! (Great source as well)


    Art by Karena
