Monday, April 5, 2010

Round Top Report - Spring Antiquing in Texas!

My trips to the antique shows in and around Round Top, Texas are always a great distraction from the responsibilities of real life for me. I can wander for hours, taking in the variety of vintage and antique goods - some merely decorative and some truly historically important, and everything in between!

 Sometimes someone comments that they were disappointed in the shows.  I rarely feel that way when it comes to Marburger or Round Top. I may not necessarily want to buy anything (rarely is that the case!) but the antiques and the design of the booths can entertain me for hours.

First stop, Marburger Farm on opening day. What a treat!

The photo above and the one below are from the booth of Allen and Lindra, of Parkhouse Antiques, and old friends from Dallas. I usually don't even get to visit with them much at the show because they are too busy selling all of their wonderful wares!

Of course, Linda and Ludmil, of Willow Nest, always set up a fabulous booth full of pretty and curious things. Love the saints all under glass.

Linda can be spotted over in the corner taking a breath after a wild and exciting beginning of the show. Most dealers reported a great morning with lots of excited shoppers and lots of sales! I love hearing that.

One of my new favorite dealers is Shannon from Clutter Antiques in Dallas. She had an assortment of interesting items - a rather eclectic gathering, like I am attracted to - maybe that is why I was drawn to her booth.

This shot of a lovely painting is difficult to see clearly,  but the painting is attached behind the two wire shelves. It is vintage Italian, painted on fabric. It is quite large and is of a young woman drinking from a fountain, in a lovely courtyard. I loved it! It is haunting me and I may have to call her to see if she still has it. I doubt it, though - it was most charming!

I also loved this painting, AND the old pique assiette pots AND the clock faces AND the metal sconces holding the pots.............AND the tramp art box.......need I go on?

 I really enjoyed talking with Gloria Lopez of City different Antiques in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She and her husband had an assortment of great Indian and western items, old trade signs, textiles and lots of good folk art.

Love this old sign from Ft. Worth!

I am sorry to say I do not know who this booth belonged to, but I just loved the blue background and the beautiful assortment of antiques.The paintings spoke to me and the gold mercury glass just popped on  that great looking sideboard. I didn't even see the gorgeous painted screen until I just posted this photo. I wish I could go back and see it all again!

I could safely say I could have bought everything in the booth of Margaret Bostick's The Silk Purse. She had an exceptional group of tramp art and other folk art frames, great 19th century pottery from Belgium, some old wire pieces, and some gorgeous lighting.

Did I mention religious figures, furniture and fabulous concrete planters?

Oh yeah, I could enjoy those planters very much.

One last shot of this gorgeous booth. 

I really enjoyed my time at Marburger this season. Looking at my photos I realize how many more I  wish I'd taken. There is more to see and learn about than one can really describe. I would love it if I could go back today and see it all again, but alas, all the booths are dismantled and the dealers headed  to various destinations. I guess that is what makes it all so special - an amazing gathering of people and antiques, all just for a few days. What a feast for the senses!

I headed to Round Top the next day and took a few photos at the Big Red Barn. I did not arrive with the crowd at the start of the show, but got there about noon. There was still a ton to see, but also a ton of SOLD tickets. Great for the dealers! It made me so happy for them I hope they all had a successful show.

 It's a good thing this incredible tramp chest had a sold ticket on it. It would have been a huge temptation for me! It was in the booth of Mark Morris of Ohio.

Longtime dealer and friend, Katie Johnson, always has exquisite furniture, early antiques and folk art. This portrait and old wooden car are no exception. Katie reported a buying frenzy earlier in the morning! 

Didn't get the name of this dealer, but again, I just thought there were so many pretty things in his booth. Click to enlarge the photo to see the fabulous papier mache pieces on stands. I wish I had asked about them. I am not even sure what to call them - maybe music stands - but they were fabulous.

The same booth as the previous photo - I just had to get a closer shot of this basket of very old velvet fruit. It was just exquisite and in really good condition. I also love the drop leaf table with original green paint.

Well, there you have it. Another Round Top antique season come and gone. I just wish I had had more than a few days to visit. I didn't even get out into the fields at Warrenton to see so many other great antique dealers. I hope the shows went well for them. 
Now, on to more hunting and gathering for my next show - the Comfort Spring Antique Show on May 1 and 2, 2010. Hope to see you there!


  1. I was at Round Top too with my girlfriends. We had a blast and it was an experience to be there and see even some dealers from California that I know. Loved your pictures. Makes me wish I was still there! Thanks for sharing. -Delores

  2. So much eye candy - thanks! Going to Round Top is on my must-do list.

  3. That's a great feeling when you can get absorbed for hours in doing something you love! I'm the same way when it comes to antiquing too. It looks like you found some fun treasures.

  4. I love it that we don't have one picture in common... it's the beautiful thing about Round Top Antique Week, that we each tune in on something different. Loved all you saw ~ thanks for sharing your images...

  5. You made me feel like I was there!!!
    xo xo

  6. Looks like such an enjoyable time. Thanks for posting the photos.

  7. You got some great pics! I wish I could've made it out there last week but no time AND no need for all the temptation. :)

  8. Amazing, I saw about 30 things in your photos I would love to own. I would love to make the trip sometime!!


  9. Marvelous post. Golly, love some of the items. That yellow wall is fantastic. Enjoyed your
    post. Thanks yvonne

  10. GREAT photos. I wish I was there...with lots of money...and an empty house.

  11. Great post, Ann. I love how you can zero in on the great finds and overlook all the clutter that trips me up. You've got such a good eye for treasures!

  12. Hi Ann! You all are so lucky to have these wonderful fairs close! Now that I am in Las Vegas, there is nothing! All the other cities I've lived in I've had something to go in search of, but not here. So thanks for sharing!!

  13. great pics, ann! so glad you had a great time antiquing! hard to believe it came and went so quickly!

  14. I know I wasn't crazy about Round Top as a little girl, but I wish I could go with you now... maybe next year? Great post, Mom. I love you!

  15. Wow, they have a lot to choose from! I love the artwork, it's so timeless. I wish I could visit!
    Lila Ferraro
    Queen Bedroom Sets

  16. I could spend days upon days and many a dollar at that magical place. I still cannot figure out why in all the years I lived in Austin, I never ever went. I know why...I was young and thought everything wonderful came from Pier One! Geeze, I'm so glad I grew up!
    If I ever go, I'm looking you up ok?

  17. So much to love! Enjoyed my first visit to your blog -great stuff here

  18. Hi Ann!
    I really enjoyed the pictures, can you believe i didn't even go except to pick up a Swedish clock for a client 2 days before they opened???? So i didn't really get to poke through.. I was done by the time they opened:(
    At least I can see it theough your blog! Maryanne xo

  19. Oh my goodness such beautiful things. I would love, love, love to visit your shop and someday I will. It's quite convenient that I have family living in East Tx and a dear friend who has moved to Austin. I'll just let them think a trip is all about them when secretly I'm antique shopping. Living in the Arctic means our selection of such beautiful aged pieces are slim pickins'.

    I look forward to spending time on your blog.

    Have a blessed weekend,

  20. My Star's,
    This was a wonderful shopping trip. I saw so many things I liked. I could hang out in the yellow room. I know I was here befor, just like the post. yvonne

  21. Like everything else in Texas, your options for antiquing are bigger and better than mine. Looks so fun!
